Dear Family, A big Dwyer Congratulations goes out to Alyssa Napalitano! Her Reflections entry placed at the county level and she will be moving up to compete at the State Level! Good luck Alyssa, our fingers are crossed! Great Job! Mr. M.
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
SPIRIT WEAR IS HERE!!!! Spirit Wear orders are ready for pickup! The spirit wear committee will be set up to distribute your orders in the main parking lot after school on Friday 11/20 between 3:45-5:00pm. Simply drive up to the grey minivan and we will place your bagged order in your trunk, no need to even get out of your car! If you can't make it to the pick up, please email Erin at to set up other arrangements. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
A HUGE thanks goes out to our teachers and families today on holding the first ever virtual conferences! You ALL did a great job!
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
The Dwyer Family would again like to thank all those who served in our armed forces for your service and dedication to country!
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
Dear Family, We have tested our computer system several times last night and again this morning.  I am happy to announce we are back to full capacity and will be online for all our students as normal today and for conferences.  I want to thank our technology department for going the extra mile for us through this issue. Mr. McGovern
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
November 10th: Dear Family, Our school is experiencing technology issues that hinder the use of the google meet application.  This could mean a disruption in virtual learning today from your classroom teachers.  If you are experiencing difficulties with your google meets from CAD, please have patience as we are working to fix the problem.  Any work missed during this time will not have to be made up. Mr. McGovern
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
Conference will be held next week, please make sure to see my weekly update coming out at 3pm today with the schedule. Enjoy your long, much needed, weekend! Mr. M.
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
District coming out with free lunch for all students! Please see your email for details!
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
Our students are having a great day dressed up! Thank you for taking the time to make it as special for them as we could! Enjoy Halloween Green!
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
Last Weekend for Book Fair and Spirit Wear Orders Spirit Wear: Book Fair:
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
Violence Prevention Week Monday Oct. 19 th – “What is one of the Kindest things anyone ever did for me?” Draw a picture at home of it and be sure to thank the person for being so nice! Tuesday Oct. 20 th – Stand United Against Violence! Wear purple for unity! Wednesday Oct. 21 st – Pledge to “Fall” O the Golden Rule by wearing black and/or orange. Thursday Oct. 22 nd – Give Violence the Boot! Wear boots to stomp out violence. Friday Oct. 23 rd – Continue to “Fall” in with Kindness - show it by wearing black and/or orange. At home: ● Talk with your child about ways to stay safe. ● Work with your child to identify ways to be kind to others. ● Discuss with your child what you all did to show kindness during the week.
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
Dear Parents, It is finally here!  The new 3-5 playground is completely finished and ready for use!  Starting on Tuesday, we will begin to use both playgrounds.  A big thank you to Dr. Turnamian for opening up a much needed area for students to enjoy during recess.  We will use the playground in the following manner: Before use all students will clean their hands with hand sanitizer in their classroom.  Immediately after using the playground this process will again occur. (Area 1) Grades K-2 will use the front playground:  It will be used on a rotational basis with one K-2 class using the playground during recess.  Grades 3-5 will use the grass area behind the playground during their recess time and not the use the front playground. (Area 5) Grades 3-5 will use the new playground:  Will be used on a rotational basis with one 3-5 class using the playground during recess.  K-2 will use the Area 5 in the backfield during their recess time and not use the new playground. The students are so excited!  Thank you PTA for such a great gift to the Dwyer Family!  It is something we will enjoy for many years! Mr. M.
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern
Good morning Dwyer Family! Just a reminder it is Gold and Virtual Picture day today! We are waiting to see all those beautiful smiles!
over 3 years ago, Michael McGovern